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Cihan Bahran


I am currently a visiting assistant professor in Bilkent University. Before that, I was a TÜBÄ°TAK postdoc with Olcay CoÅŸkun. I completed my PhD in University of Minnesota under the supervision of Peter Webb, and my MS in Bilkent University under the supervision of Ergün Yalçın.


I am interested functorial representation theory and its interactions with topology.

Papers and Preprints

Improved stability ranges in the homology of Torelli and congruence subgroups (2023).


Regularity of an FI-module via the derivative functor (2024).


Onset of regularity for FI-modules,  

Algebras and Representation Theory 27 (2024). 

DOI  arXiV

Polynomial conditions and homology of FI-modules,

Pacific Journal of Mathematics 324 No.2 (2023).

DOI  arXiV

Regularity and stable ranges of FI-modules,

Journal of Algebra 641 (2024).

DOI  arXiV

Categorifying induction formulae via divergent series,

Journal of Algebra 527 (2019).

DOI  arXiV

The commuting complex of the symmetric group with bounded number of p-cycles (2018).


Contact Information

My name and last name concatenated


I run a twitter account where I post some theorems I find worth sharing.

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